Monday, February 4, 2013

Don’t Zap the Nutrients Out!

You went out last night for some amazing Thai food, but you couldn’t finish it all so you brought it home for the next day. When you’re ready to eat it, what’s your first thought of how to heat it up? Microwaves are the most common in today’s culture. Throw it in the microwaves for a couple minutes and let it heat up, or as your grandma might like to say “let me zap it real quick for you”, then enjoy your warm meal.

What could be the harm in this?

Microwaves were invented after World War II by Percy Spencer who took the idea from radar technology acquired from the War around the mid to late 1940’s. The first microwave weighed as much as a refrigerator now does. As time passes we notice how inventions evolve and improve.

Now microwaves can weigh as little as thirty pounds. Quite some progress, but even so we have to take a step back and look at our needs to have everything be so instant. Taking a step back isn’t always negative. 

            According to Mark Bunn, the bestseller author of, Ancient wisdom for modern health, wrote, “ microwaves don’t actually ‘cook’ your food at all. They basically just heat up the water content of the food and cause the food particles to resonate at very high frequencies.” You’re food than doesn’t even get cook, but instead is ‘raw’ with less nutrients from the levels of radiation caused by microwaves.
            Natural news, a respected health e-newsletter brings up all types of issues. They recently wrote an article specifically addressing the harmful effects of microwaves,  “A microwave oven creates radio waves at a frequency of about 2.45 GHz [2, 3]. All radio waves are electromagnetic radiation.” For all those left-brain chemist types this will make perfect sense, but for the right-brained let me translate. Basically the more extreme that something is microwaved and the quicker it takes the more nutrients that are unable to remain in what is being microwaved.

            What are some alternatives then?
How about the oven, usually found underneath a stove, turn the dial and heat up your food. How is this any different though? A microwave has a much stronger electronic field than an oven.
Also it is a well known fact that raw foods are much richer in nutrients than cooked foods of any sorts, so trying keeping your meal simple and go back to nature with a bag of raw carrots and some guacamole.

Sources: (History of Microwaves, general knowledge, but wanted to make sure to cite it) Thanks!

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