Monday, February 4, 2013


Was your holiday filled with pumpkin pie, roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, a little bit of eggnog, and endless amounts of sweets? If not, then you’re already ahead of the crowd, if you are in this category, you may be thinking, “Help!” Not to worry, take a deep breath, and let’s discuss detox.

First off, detoxing is a way to cleanse and re-start the body. Think of your body like a battery, sometimes you just need to a kick-start to get back on track.

Twenty-one days is what is recommended to start new habits and release the addiction or routine of habits. Eating certain foods, especially sweets have a way of being addictive and allowing your body to feel drained without them, but then your body jumps on a roller coaster with them, and goes from a quick high to an inevitable low.

Kris Carr, the author of Crazy Sexy Diet, goes off the idea of “21 days” and personally creates an intense detox for the body. “Detoxification is as necessary for life as the beating of the heart. Our cells are constantly forming toxins as normal waste products of metabolism. The cells release the toxins into the blood; within a few heartbeats, the toxins are swept into the liver for detoxification.”

While being a Seattle Pacific University student, it’s hard to obtain the freshest of organic produce and the ability to take a lot of time out of your busy schedules to focus completely on your body. Don’t throw this article out just yet; there are a few easy, dorm-accessible ways to detox the body.

Start your mornings out with a glass of water, simple. Add a lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper, if you don’t have any cayenne pepper at hand, the lemon will do. Keep water as your weapon and always have a reusable BPA-free bottle at hand. Water helps to cleanse the body and release free radicals that basically just keep the body’s system from letting go.

According to Dr. John Dempster, a local naturopath, his top ten-detox foods include lemon. Along with the lemon Dempster talks about the high amounts of fiber in beets that help to eliminate the bodies’ toxic waste. Broccoli sprouts have twenty times the amounts of sulphorophanes than regular broccoli. Sulphorophanes has anti-cancer principles that help in the detox process. Garlic and Curcumin, also known as Turmeric, are the top powerful detoxifiers due to their high levels of sulphur.  Next time you are out for sushi, don’t hesitate to order the seaweed salad or stop at the store and grab some crunchy sea vegetables to help purify your blood. Dandelion leaves can be added to salads or as a snack that is full of antioxidants. Apples make sure to get USDA organic, have the ability to help your body release food additives that is a main factor in that holiday pie.

Pick and choose out of these options and try for a minimum of twenty-one days to start off 2013 right and give your body the TLC it needs and deserves.


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