Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 7: Dinner: Hollowed out Roma tomato with avocado filling, onions, and cucumber topping

Day 7: Dinner: Romaine Lettuce with avocados, tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 6: Fresh Juice: Cucumber, Grapefruit, carrots, Celery, kale, parsley, dill, apples, oranges, tangelos

Day 6: Fresh Juice: All Organic: Beets, celery, kale, cucumbers, carrots, parsley, dill, apples, oranges, tangelos

Day 6: Dinner: Romaine lettuce with avocadoes, tomatoes, and onions

Juicing... Beet Hands!

Day 5: Dinner: Tomatoes, salt, and broccoli sprouts

Day 5: Lunch: Italian Raw Sprouted Pizza Bread, Avocadoes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and salt

Day 5: Snack: Raw Hummus (ingredients, posts below) with carrots

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Notes from "Food Matters"

"You Are What You Eat"
Live enzymes in Raw food. Cooked food kills enzymes and your body doesn't recognize it and white Blood Cells attack.
"If you eat more than 51% cooked food your body is attacking it as a foreign organism. If 51% of your food was raw you would have no white blood cells attack so your immune system would be given no false alarms and would be strengthened."
Some Superfoods: (Raw, Organic) Raw Honey, Goji Berries, Echinacea, Spirulina (highest protein out of any food, even above meat and dairy), Wheatgrass, Noni, Maca, Acai, Coconut, Bee Pollen, Ginger, Cacao (magnesium, copper, iron), Turmeric, Dulse, Kombu, Kelp, Durian, Chlorella, Golden Seal, Nettle, Blue Green Algae, Barley Grass, Propolis, Royal Jelly, and Wakame.
(Half the protein from meat and such is cooked so that the protein is ruined and not absorbable by your body)
Cacao is the highest antioxidant which helps protect your skin and overall health. Cacao has also the highest Vitamin C. Cacao is the root of chocolate, but processed chocolate (Hershey's and such) has little to no Vitamin C because of the high levels of its process and how it is cooked. Cacao is also a metabolism booster.
Less than 6% of medical doctors (pediatricians, surgeons, etc.) receive nutritional degrees (nutrition, food, lifestyle).
Benefits from Vitamins:
Vitamin E: heart disease, seizure, epilepsy, and healing burns(vitamin e oil)
Niacin/Vitamin E and a handful of cashews: used in benefit of depression and alcoholism
Vitamin C: Anti-toxin, Anti-histamine, Anti-viral, blood sugar regulation, and mood elevator
"When the body heals, it heals completely"
Vitamins enable the body to heal and become stronger by giving the best tools, all within the body.
Three Key Points to Optimum Health and Life: Exercise, Nutrition, and Meditation
Dr. Dean Ornish (M.D.) speaks about benefits of vegetarianism
"When in doubt, use nutrition."
Ways of Detoxification: colonics, enemas(coffee), and water
Detox to allow nutrients to be better absorbed. You want to detox out of your bowels, dangerous if detoxing is happening through pores (sweating and such)
Each day before eating or drinking tea, coffee, juice, etc. drink 2 liters to help detoxification and whole process of absorbing optimum nutrients throughout your day.
Orthomolecular: Therapeutic health care
It is illegal for a medical doctor to prescribe nutritional therapy to cancer or diseased patients in the United States and other countries. All that is prescribed are drugs, chemo therapy, radiation, etc.
"People need education, not medication"
Nutrition should be the primary prevention. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. If we change our food choices we change agriculture which alters the environmental crisis going on today.
The shift from corn, wheat, and soy to Organic, Raw, Superfoods changes our entire interaction with the planet.
"We could grow Genetically Modified corn of the most extraordinary Goji Berries in the world."
Back to Basics, finding cultures without diseases and longer life.
The best doctor and nutritionist is You!
You have all the tools in you, your body knows what feels right, it takes learning and listening.
This requires responsibilities to yourself when we choose Raw and Organic we take our Power back! (:
Day 4: Lunch: Organic, Raw, Vegan Pizza from Peace Pies (Raw restaurant) Sesame Seed Base, Paste and Veggies! Yum!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 4: Breakfast: Organic, Raw, Vegan, Superfood Cereal, Living Intention: Hemp Greens and Cacao Cereal with 4 Raspberries and Organic Chocolate Hemp Milk

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 3 Thoughts

I feel a lot more energized eating all foods LIVE and Raw! I feel more ALIVE!(: I am missing TV, but feel I have much more time to go outside and soak up some Vitamin D (Sun) and exercise. I have been reading scripture in the morning and at night as well as keeping certain passages in my mind throughout the day. There have been many of my friends and other students that are curious about my Raw journey. It is so exciting to teach a little about eating Organic, the importance of it, and then being Vegan and Raw on top of that. I have been keeping up with my video blog although it is only day 3. But I believe the first few days are hard, because its the transition period. An interesting quote I saw on a sticker was by Gandhi saying, "An eye for an eye and the whole world would be blind..." So true. It's important to not always point the blame or seek revenge. Forgive and Learn from your mistakes as well as others. "Forgive us our trespasses and we forgive those who trespass against us." (From the Our Father). This part helps me remember that God forgives us of our sins no matter how major or minor; it's important to think of this and forgive those who hurt you. (: Love is the answer. ~Anna(:

My Lent Journey

My Lent Journey: (40 Days)
1. 100% Organic, Raw, Vegan
2. Exercise Once a Day
3. Limited Media (Nothing but local calls on cell phone. No TV shows on laptop or social networking sites such as tumblr, twitter, etc.) Laptop still used for homework.
4. Read Bible passages and reflect each day.

Organic Raw Goldenberries (Sweet and Tart) High in Vitamin A and C! (: YUM!

Day 1 Mid-day Snack: Go Raw Organic Banana Bread Flax Bar (Flax seeds, bananas, coconut, dates)
Day 2 and Day 3: Mid-day Snack. Go Raw Spirulina Energy Bar (Sesame Seeds, Bananas, Coconuts, Date, and Spirulina)
Organic Superfood Raw Cacao Cereal with Raspberries and Organic Raw Chocolate Hemp Milk.
Live, Raw Vegan Pizza(Italian Spiced) Bread (Available @ Jimbo's)
Tomatoes and Salt
Broccoli Sprouts
Organic Raw Hummus:
Sprouted Garbanzo Beans (Great for Fiber!)
Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Olive Oil
Lemon (Squeezed)
(All blended)
After Stirred Put in: (For extra flavor)
Chopped up raw Tomatoes
Olives Chopped up

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2: Lunch: Raw Sprouted Italian Bread with Spices and Sprouts, Avocado, Cucumbers,
Day 2: Breakfast: Superfood Raw Cereal Cacao Crunch with Raspberries and Raw Chocolate Hemp Milk. YUM!
Day 1: Lunch: Mixed Greens (Arugula, Spinach, Tomatoes, and Broccoli Sprouts) Tomatoes with salt and spices and sprouts on top
Day 1: Breakfast: Organic Raspberries with Fresh Juice Containing: Beets, Oranges, Apples, Carrots, and Chard
Juice Day 1. Carrots and Beets so far(:
Cutting beets for the juicer and saw this beautiful rose (:
Juice Shots. First day of 40 day Raw, Vegan Journey