Friday, April 27, 2012


Organic and Vegan Red Quinoa and Fettucini Shirataki Noodles with Pesto and Sun-Dried Tomatoes


Organic and Vegan Red Quinoa and Shirataki Rice (Soy Free, Gluten Free, etc.) with D'jon Mustard, Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Pesto

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Organic, Vegan Red Quinoa with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Olive Oil


Organic, Raw, Gluten Free, Soy Free Shiratiaki Pasta with Pesto


Organic and Fresh Acai, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Oranges, Apples, Cherries, and Kiwi with Goji Berries and Bee Pollen


Organic and Raw Seaweed Noodles and Zucchini Pasta
Organic and Raw Tomatoes, Avocados, and Kim-Chi

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A side note on Raw Vegetables and our body's digestive system

When your body is ready to digest your food you release an enzyme called amylase that breaks down the carbohydrates in plants. The simple carbs are called monosaccharides, sugars with simple bonds. Your body cannot break down the polysaccharides in cellulose so it stays in your intestinal track. When eating so many raw vegetables your body has to adjust to help the intake of fiber. Drinking a lot of water throughout the day helps to assist the fiber in keeping wastes flowing through your digestive tract. 


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Organic and Raw Zucchini and Squash spiraled with tomatoes, avocados, and Kim-Chi


Organic and Fresh Tofu Scramble with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Avocados and Cayenne Pepper

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Complimented with...

Dinner and Organic Strawberry and Cherry Hard Cider!

Dinner Finale

Organic and Raw Zucchini and Squah Spiraled with Pesto, Sun-dried tomato, jalapeno garlic sauce YUM!

Dinner Fun

Making Yummy Zucchini and Crookneck Spiraled and Adding pesto and jalapeno, sun-dried tomato garlic sauce!! (:


Organic and Fresh Cherries, Acai, Grapefruit, Oranges, Apples, and Kiwi with Goji Berries


Organic and Raw Zucchini and Crookneck Squash Spiraled with Raw and Vegan Basil and Arugula Pesto


Organic and Fresh Acai, Cherries, Apples, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Oranges, and Blueberries with Goji Berries

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Organic and Fresh Zucchini and Spaghetti Squash with Curry and Tomatoes. Organic and Raw Seed Bread, Avocado, Tomatoes, and Raw Kim-Chi


Organic and Fresh Acai, Cherries, Mango, Strawberries, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Oranges, and Apples with Goji Berries

Monday, April 9, 2012


Organic and Fresh Zucchini, Carrots, Tomatoes, Celery Soup with Pumpkin Pie Spice, Salt, Pepper, Dill, Coriander

Organic and Fresh Zucchini, Spaghetti Squash, and Carrots with Jalapeno, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Cayenne, and Dijon


Organic Sprouted Tofu with Avocados and Sun-dried Tomatoes with Jalapeno, Dijon and Garlic Sauce topped with Cayenne, Salt, Pepper, and Chili Powder
Organic and Raw Kim Chi


Organic and Fresh Cherries, Strawberries, Mangoes, Acai, Oranges, Kiwi, and Apples


Organic and Fresh Cherries, Oranges, Apples, Kiwi, Collard Greens, and Mangoes with Goji Berries


Organic and Raw Carrot, Zucchini, and Cucumber Spiraled. Raw Sprouted Bread with Raw Kim-chi and Avocado
Organic and Raw Banana with Cashew Macadamian Nut Butter and Cacao Coconut Nut Butter topped with Raspberries


Organic and Fresh Acai, Strawberries, Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Kiwi, and Goji Berries

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Organic and Fresh Zucchini, Cucumber, and Spaghetti Squash Spiraled and Kelp Noodles with Cayenne, Curry Sauce


Organic and Fresh Acai, Strawberries, Blueberries, Oranges, Apple, Grapefruit, Cherries, and Kiwi topped with Raw Organic Goji Berries
Organic Banana with Organic and Raw Cashew Macadamian nut butter and Cacao Coconut nut butter

Day 26: Transition

Organic and Fresh Spaghetti Squash, Cucumber Spiralized topped with purple cabbage, dill and Jalapeno, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Curry Sauce
Organic Collard Greens

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 26: Transition

Organic, Raw, Vegan, Gluten Free Merry's Miracle Tart (Chocolate)
Ingredients: Organic Maple Syrup, Organic Cocoa, Organic Coconut Oil

Day 26: Transition

Organic and Raw Dehydrated Seed Bread topped with Organic Avocados and Tomatoes. Organic and Raw Spiraled Spaghetti Squash and Zucchini topped with curry, jalapeno, sun-dried tomato, garlic sauce and wrapped in Organic and Raw Kale.

Day 26: Transition

Organic and Fresh Raspberries, Acai, Blueberries, Papaya, Mango, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Apples, and Oranges

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Healthy Tummy! (:

Day 25: Transition

Organic and Raw Zucchini (Made with the spiralizer) "pasta" with Curry sauce! Organic and Raw Jalapeno Kimchi

Day 25: Transition

Organic and Fresh Acai, Pineapple, Mango, Papaya, Raspberries, Blueberries, Kiwi, Apples, Oranges, and Cherries

Day 25: Transition

Organic Zucchini (Made into noodles with my new Spiral Slicer), with Curry, Sun-Dried Tomato, Jalapeno, Garlic Sauce

Day 25: Transition

Organic Yeast Free Spelt Bread with Organic Raw Cashew Macadamian Nut Butter

Day 25: Transition

Organic and Fresh Kale and Carrots with Organic and Raw Vegan Sun-dried Tomato, Jalapeno, Garlic Dip

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Today was my last full day of just juicing. Tomorrow I begin my transition slowly back into solid foods. I'm excited and my body is ready! (:

Day 24: Juice Cleanse

Day 24: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes, Dill, Parsley, Cilantro, Romaine Heart Lettuce, Spinach, and an Apple

Day 24: Juice Cleanse

Day 24: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Raspberries, Blueberries, Pineapple, Papaya, Mango, Oranges, Cherries, and Apples

Day 24: Juice Cleanse

Day 24: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Strawberries, Acai, Pineapple, Mango, Papaya, Apples, Oranges, Blueberries, and Grapefruit

Hungry For Change Documentary Notes

We are not eating good, we are eating food like substances, that are made to look and smell good.
"More than 60 billion is spent on diet and weight loss products in the US"
"Up to 2/3 of those on a diet regain more than their original weight"
Diet has temporary and failure written within it.
"Sugar is the cocaine of our nation." On average Americans are consuming 22 teaspoons of sugar A DAY!
It's not just what you're eating, it's what eating you.
You're programmed to store fat because for millenniums we had to hunt and search and gather.
In America there is now a nutrition shortage not a calorie shortage.
When you're starving yourself of nutrients you keep eating table salt, bread, sugars (man-made)  and all this creates your cells to starve. People are overfed, but starving.
The goal for companies(grocery stores, etc.): stock the shelves with food that have a shelf life that brings the manufacturers money.
Way too many calories, too little nutrition, not enough use of the calories- creates obesity epidemic, lack of will to change, energy downfall.
There's an invisible prison- addicted to good.
MSG and free glutamates can be hidden behind 50 or more different names- used to enhance flavor in about 80% of all processed foods.
MSG excites the brain, your body activates fat programs.
MSG obesity induced mice:

Momentary uplifting=sugar, caffeine, etc. leaves you empty, where's the nutrients?
Manipulated food, gives impression of most fulfilling food, leaves you wanting more
Aspartame + Caffeine = create excitotoxin, kills off brain cells, before they die they have a "buzz" (buzz of diet colas, etc.)
Aspartame: breath mints, gum, "no sugar added", pies, sodas, nutritional bars, "sugar-free", etc.
Migraines, neurological problems, seizures, can lead to cancer
Artificial sweeteners cause weight gain.
Manufacturers fund the studies --> gets sent to FDA evaluated and approved.
"Diet, sugar free", etc. are all gimmicks to get money not to help or benefit you.
Food companies, just like selling, get their customers addicted... for life
Soda-bone marrow deficiency, diabetes, obesity
Diet Soda-neurological
Names are deceiving, ex: Life blueberry pomegranate cereal contains NO blueberries or pomegranates
Propylene Glycol: Used in "blueberry" muffins to create "blueberries"- partially hydrogenated oils, liquid sugars, artificial colors.
Propylene Glycol is also used to winterize your RV, prevents the pipes from freezing.
68% of US adults are obese and overweight.
Sugar turns into fat by your pancreas. Insulin is fat producing hormone.
Fat is good for you, if you get the correct fats and proteins. Bad Fats: soybean, corn, or canola oils, partially hydrogenated oils (used in butters, crackers, etc.) Good Fats: avocados, chia, and flax seeds, etc.
In the 70's a Japanese scientist created how to separate fructose and corn, thus high fructose corn syrup comes from corn, but so highly concentrated.
Cocaine comes from the coca leaf, coca leaf tea is not addictive, medicinal, but you don't snort highly refined cocaine.
White sugar is a pharmaceutical drug, whitened, extracted, highly refined.
Fructose is highly addictive. It can change the brain chemistry.
1900's-15g    Present 70-80g   Teens Present (120-150g) Sugar intake
Stay away from the isolates, high fructose corn syrup, anything unnatural highly concentrated.
Nature delivers as a nutrient content, not as one isolated nutrient.
Carbohydrates become sugar internally.
Sugar: bread, pasta, corn, cereal, potatoes, rice, pancakes, etc.
Each Person in America on average eats 150 lbs. sugar per year, 79 lbs. of HFCS
It's easy to produce sugar processed foods.
Sugar, Alcohol is a drug, you become habituated, wanting more and more.
Jamie Oliver- wheelbarrow of sugar, amount consumed in 5 years of a kid's life just by milk (chocolate, vanilla, etc. milk)
Carbs, fats, proteins- all a diet does is eliminate one of the categories then weight drops temporarily.
Do you want to be healthy temporarily?
Your body wants to protect you from a famine so when you diet and then eat again it's more, gain more. Every time you force your body to lose weight your body forces you to gain weight.
Diet mind set: "Can't"    
"I want that, but I can't have it"
Should change too: "I can have it, but I don't want it"
Keep the focus on adding, instead of taking away.
Our body doesn't process or digest man made products.
Simple foods: fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds
Main --> Lack of sleep, no exercise, bad diet, alcohol, etc.
Our health has been under attack.
Since 1940 we have created 75,000. Synthetic chemicals, they are in the environment and in us. Better living through working with nature and natural laws.
2 ways body deals: creates mucus to coat, or retain and create fat.
When working out, sweating, without proper nutrition you are sweating without detoxifying or cleansing, the toxins are than left to do more damage, because now no fat or mucus to protect your body/immune system. Burning fat will put more toxins within your body. The body only wants to heal, it can only detoxify if there are no toxins being put in.
Chlorophyll- internal body odor, able to detoxify
Chia seeds, seaweed, aloe vera (the gels move through our intestinal track absorbing the bile salts released through the liver, the liver tries to rid of the bad stuff) Without these gelatin fibers our body reabsorbs the toxins, the liver tries to get rid of.
Parsley- cleanses entire blood supply, fresh breath
Cilantro- binds with heavy metals and remove mercury (neuro-toxin)
So it does not bind with your cells.
Good water and sunlight, be in nature. Our body knows how to cleanse itself.
If it's made in a lab, it takes a lab to digest. If it has a shelf life longer than me, I don't eat it.
The simpler I get, the healthier I get.
Vegetables are the most beneficial, full of antioxidants, etc.
Celery, cucumbers, kale, collard (base of juices)
After years and years your digestive system is tired and beaten up, trying to digest and get nutrients from the wrong types of foods.
Juicing is beneficial because you get the "Rainbow of fruits and veggies" needed that is not eaten in a day as needed. Juicing is the ultimate "Fast Food" and allows the easiest absorption.
Fresh juice takes 15 minutes to turn into nutrients and for the better of your health. It goes into your stomach and cells in 15 minutes.
Increase superfoods: chlorella, spirulina.
The skin is a true symbol of our health because it's the last place to get nutrition. If you can drive all the nutrients to the skin then you know it's gotten everywhere else too in the body. Your skin looks better with low glycemic indexes, blood sugar stable
Eating grains and high glycemic causes weight gain, blotchy skin, etc.
Beauty foods: olive oils, olives, cucumbers, hemp seeds, radishes, aloe vera, coconut
Sauerkraut and kim chi- helps digestion
Beauty minerals: manganese, iron, sulfur (releases age-revearsing)
All artificial chemicals (make-up, perfumes) are absorbed internally, only coating not aiding, causing diseases.
Where is the sweetness in your life?
Where are you not satisfied?
Unfinished business? Can lead to your health, how you eat, overall.
Retrace your steps, when did this start?
What was happening at that point in your life?
"If you're upset, don't eat"
Often when we are upset or sad we aren't connected or listening to when we are satiated, whether we are full or not. We are trying to fill a void that will never be filled with food.
Types of stress connected to food issues: dehydration, sleep deprivation, mental and emotional stress
Everytime you have a mental or emotional stress you are creating chemistry in your body, with this your body gains weight to protect you from stresses in your life.
Our body is just trying to protect us. Protection mechanism for stress, pain when cortisol, stress hormone levels that looking at a donut or something can after your metabolism. The number one way to decrease stress levels is deep sleep, helps to regenerate and metabolize excess cortisol in your sleep.
Stress increases fluid retention, "liquid pounds". Sleep as long as you need too whenever you can  exercise, take a simple walk, is as good as anti-depressants. Anything sustainably pleasure will decrease stress levels, laughter decreases pain, stress, and improves immunity.
Visualization is like a language you can use to talk to your sub-conscious which is the part of your mind that decides oxygen levels, what you don't think of, unconscious, how fat or thin you are is an unconscious decision, it does not speak English. We are being run by a brain that we can't talk too. Visualization is the universal language or symbols, images.
Look at a positive role model image, but look through it, let your sub-conscious absorb it for 30 seconds and then close your eyes, feel yourself, imagine yourself being in that body, your skin. Then it can help to learn that the stresses are different and we are not wanting fat as a protection, "That's not the answer" Change it.
Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.
"Let us love you that you love yourself."
It's the cracks that let your lights in. Realize your precious, be "in love with your self and your life."
Love is safety, when you aren't loved, stress begins. Love for yourself and for others. Love = Safety
I accept myself unconditionally right now. (Look deep into your eyes,  and say it over and over) Try this for 30 days- Louise L Hay
You are planting a new, positive affirmation. "I am by nature a dealer in words, and words are the most powerful drug known by humanity."
Self-love: increases healing, eyesight, blood sugar levels, cardiac output, and more!
Top 3 Questions:
1. Where does my food come from?
2. What went into the food in terms of attitude, care, love, and compassion?
3. What is my intention for doing with my food? Is it too support me or for entertainment?
Health is the natural choice for our bodies. Surround yourself with health and love than you don't have fear, Fear dissolves!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 23: Juice Cleanse

Day 23: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Parsley, Cilantro, Dill, Carrots, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Daikon Radish, Bell Peppers, and topped with Chlorella Sea Veggies, and Spirulina

Day 23: Juice Cleanse

Day 23: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Oranges, Strawberries, Blueberries, Pineapple, Mangoes, Apples, and Cherries

Day 23: Juice Cleanse

Day 23: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Raw Coconut Milk with Raw Cacao, and Fresh Mangoes (Juiced)

Day 23: Juice Cleanse

Day 23: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Acai, Papaya, Pineapple, Mango, Apples, Strawberries, Blueberries, Grapefruit, and Oranges

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 22: Juice Cleanse

Day 22: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Raw Coconut Milk with Raw Cacao and Raw Maca

Day 22: Juice Cleanse

Day 22: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh: Mangoes, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Apples, Oranges, and Grapefruit

Day 22: Juice Cleanse

Day 22: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh Strawberries, Blueberries, Acai, Papaya, Mangoes, Pineapples, Apples, and Oranges

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 21: Juice Cleanse

Day 21: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh from Jimbo's: Wheatgerm, Papaya, Bananas, Strawberries, Vitamin C, Dates, Oat Bran, Bee Pollen, Apples, and Protein Powder

I needed the extra Vitamin C as an immunity boost. The Bee Pollen and Wheatgerm are beneficial for the immune system as well! (:

Day 21: Juice Cleanse

Day 21: Juice Cleanse: Organic and Fresh from Pressed Juicery. Tasting and LOVING!(: